Simply enjoy life and the great pleasures that come with it.
— Karolina Kurkova

Date Packages

Life’s better when you always have a treat for yourself to look forward to, and this allows you to do exactly that. When you’re having busy weeks at work and dealing with life’s stresses, I would love to be your escape from it all. These packages are perfect if you’re looking for an ongoing arrangement for us to explore a deeper connection with a flexible schedule.

If none of these packages suit what you’re looking for, I’d love to customize something just for us. Please email me so we can discuss.

-Must be paid in full on first date of the package.
-All dates in the package must be scheduled within a year of the first date.

2 Hour Dates:
Package of 2- $2200
Package of 3- $3200
Package of 4- $4200

3 Hour Dates:
Package of 2- $2800
Package of 3- $4200
Package of 4- $5600

4 Hour Dates:
Package of 2- $3400
Package of 3- $5100
Package of 4- $6800

Monthly Arrangements

If we’ve been seeing each other on a regular basis (multiple dates per month) for some time now, an arrangement is the perfect next step. Monthly arrangements include priority booking (including same day when possible), texting/emailing outside of our dates, and custom pictures just for you. A arrangement allows our connection to develop in a more relaxed, natural type of way. Please inquire for details as arrangements are custom tailored to best fit our relationship and schedule.

-Only available for established clients.
-The balance is due on the first day of the month.